::::::नाग मुद्रा ::::::
नाग मुद्रा को लगाने के लिए दोनों हाथों को छाती के सामने लाएं। हथेली पर हथेली रखते हुए दाएं हाथ की उंगलियाँ बाएं ओर तथा दाएं हाथ की उंगलियों को ऊपर की ओर रखें। दोनों अंगूठे आपस में तिरछे रखें। नाग मुद्रा लगाते हुए लम्बे व गहरे सांस लें।
नाग मुद्रा लगाने से शरीर में बल आता है और बुद्धि का विकास होता है। नाग मुद्रा आध्यात्मिक मार्ग की ओर पथ प्रदर्शन करती है। नाग मुद्रा लगाने से आंतरिक शक्ति बढ़ती है।
Sanskrit word “Naga” means snake or serpent. It represents the supernatural strength and wisdom. Naga mudra is a hand posture that is practiced for many psychological and spiritual benefits. Naga Mudra may also call a mudra of deeper insight. It mudra has great healing power, and it also helps enhances clarity of mind. Naga Mudra is useful to solve everyday problems. It also contributes to resolving obstacles on the spiritual path.
1) Cross your hands in front of the chest.
2) Now cross your thumbs as well over each other. Look at the picture.
Regular Practice of Naga Mudra developsthe deeper insight and clarity of ideas. It provides answers to a query regarding spiritual quest. It also helps to find outsole purpose of one’s existence. It can be undoubtedly helpful in stress and anxiety. Serpent represents strength. Hence, Naga Mudra also contributes to developing strength. It this mudra is practiced appropriately and with complete meditation. It can surely remove problem faced in day to day life. Regular practice of Naga Mudra increases one’s insight and clairvoyance. Naga Mudra helps to develop strength. This mudra pleasantly relieves tensions. This mudra brings clarity to mind. It provides answers to one’s quest forever eluding spiritual existence.
Naga Mudra also brings about strength and lightness to everyday existence It can also assist in balancing the emotions, integrating mind and body and overactive mind………………………………………………………..हर-हर महादेव
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