Alaukik Shaktiyan

ज्योतिष ,तंत्र ,कुण्डलिनी ,महाविद्या ,पारलौकिक शक्तियां ,उर्जा विज्ञान

अश्वनी मुद्रा :अकालमृत्यु भय हटाये

अश्‍विनी मुद्रा :; गुदा ,उदर रोग दूर करे


इस मुद्रा से साधक में घोड़ों जैसी शक्ति आ जाती है, जिसे ‘हॉर्स पॉवर’ कहते हैं| इस मुद्रा में गुदा-द्वार का बार-बार संकोचन और प्रसार किया जाता है| इसी से मुद्रा की सिद्धि हो जाती है| इसके द्वारा कुण्डलिनी जागरण में सुगमता रहती है और अनेक रोग नष्ट होकर शारीरिक बल की वृद्धि होती है| अश्‍विनी मुद्रा सिद्ध होने से साधक की अकालमृत्यु कभी नहीं होती| गुदा और उदर से संबंधित रोगों का इसके द्वारा शमन होता है तथा दीर्घजीवन की उपलब्धि होती है| बिना मूलबंध के अश्‍विनी मुद्रा नहीं हो सकती|

 Ashwa means “horse” in Sanskrit, and mudra is a “gesture” or “sign” but this doesn’t say much about what ashwini (asvini, ashvini) mudra is. The real meaning of it lies in its definition: the practice of a rhythmic contraction of anal sphincter, which allows directing the prana (apana) flow upward the spine through the main energy channel called sushumna. In yoga ashwini mudra is a beginners technique, which means it’s relatively easy, and precedes some other techniques such as mula bandha or vajroli mudra.

First of all you need to take an asana or yoga pose. While the best pose for such practices is considered to be the lotus pose or padmasana, you can also do well with some simpler poses. For example, it can be siddhasana or vajrasana; you can even use sukhasana as an ashwini mudra asana.

Once you got into the posture, relax for a minute, breathing freely and deeply. Then inhale fully (especially filling the lower part of the lungs), hold your breath, and contract the anal sphincter muscles with a 1-2 seconds interval. For men there should be 4 contractions, and for women – 5. This is due to the differences between men and women physiology. These numbers designate the average quantity of anal muscles contractions required to push the prana from the pelvis to the head. Try to completely relax the anal muscles between the contractions.

now, press your chin against the bottom of the neck, touch the palate with the tip of your tongue and start releasing your breathe (exhaling), then release the mudra, and after that slowly raise your head. The success in this practice comes when your feel like shivering wave goes through your body. This wave is actually the prana which has been stimulated by your practice. You can repeat it 3-5 times or as much as you want

In a physical plane the asana stimulates the abdomen and pelvis area including reproductive and digestive organs. This simple practice can help you get rid of constipation, deals with diseases of the rectum and hemorrhoids, and can improve your sexual health. Since it stimulates the prana flow toward the upper part of the body, it slows down the aging process and improves the health in general. It also makes your body more resistant to diseases if you practice this yoga mudra regularly.

On a more subtle level, it increases the awareness, makes your mind more peaceful, gives more energy, and can even improve your mood…………………………………………………………हर-हर महादेव

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