भुजंगिनी मुद्रा
इसमें मुख को फैलाकर कंठ से बाहरी वायु खींची जाती है| तालु और जिह्वा के मध्य वायु के घूमने से शरीर में अद्भुत शक्ति का आविर्भाव होता है| यह मुद्रा अजीर्ण आदि उदर रोगों को नष्ट करने में भी बहुत उपयोगी है|
Relax on the ground with the chest facing the floor.Lift the chest up, and legs up similar to Salabasana and do a complete Adho Mukha Navasana.Look up towards the ceiling and fix the gaze at a point from the centre of the brow (Bhrumadhaya).Inhale deep and exhale with the a hissing soundlike that of a snake.Antara Kumbhaka (for 15 seconds) can be practised in this mudra before exhaling.Exhale completely and rest on the floor.Repeat again 3 times if you are doing it with Antara Kumbhaka or 5 times without Antara Kumbhaka.
BENEFITS: This mudra strengthens the abdomen and eliminates toxic gases from the abdominal region. It activates digestive juices and strengthens the digestive tract. It also subsides hunger…………………………………………हर-हर महादेव
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