Alaukik Shaktiyan

ज्योतिष ,तंत्र ,कुण्डलिनी ,महाविद्या ,पारलौकिक शक्तियां ,उर्जा विज्ञान

Spirituality and Mudra

Spiritual science and Mudra Vigyan


Man only has that supreme power in his soul, that when scientifically endowed with Yoga, can help him achieve all the three sublime powers – the physical, mental and spiritual. All that is needed is the guidance and the rules of Dhyana (meditation) and Practice (sadhana)

There are various supreme sciences for the investigations on and into the human mind and body. Some of these are:

Mudra VigyanThe science of finger postures
Kayakalpa VigyanThe science of rejuvenation
Brahma VidyaDivine knowledge – theosophy
Pranvinimaya VidyaThe science of curing the sick and the defective
Surya VigyanThe science of solar energy
Punarjanma VigyanThe science of reincarnation
Deerghayu VidyaThe science of longevity
Swar VigyanThe science of sounds
Rasayan VigyanThe science of Alchemy
Mantra VigyanThe science of spiritual incantation
Samyad Preshan VidyaThe science of Telepathy etc.

There are many many more covering all aspects of science known to man today and those that modern science still has to discover again.

YOG TATVA MUDRA VIGYAN or in short, the more commonly known MUDRA VIGYAN is an entirely distinct and independent branch of yoga. This is the science of finger postures, based on Yoga of elements that go to create the human body. The science that can help raise the human being to achieve almost divine powers and keep the body perfectly fit………………………………………………….Har-Har Mahadev

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