Alaukik Shaktiyan

ज्योतिष ,तंत्र ,कुण्डलिनी ,महाविद्या ,पारलौकिक शक्तियां ,उर्जा विज्ञान

Where Mudras originated ?

Where and how Mudras originated


No one knows for sure where and how mudras originated. They have been in use for millenniums. They have not ben known to adhere to any barriers . They have been found in all continents, practiced by people of all religions and those professing none. They are as natural to the body as the daily needs of the body. All that was required was to recognize them, identify them and scientifically understand and use them.

In the Orient these can be observed in the rituals and rites of the rich cultural traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism in India, Tibet, China, Japan Indonesia etc. The paintings in the caves of Ajanta and sculptures in the Ellora caves, dating back to 2nd. and 1st. centuries BC show innumerable mudras.

Hinduism shows the earliest recorded knowledge and analysis of Mudras. The earliest documentations are found in Mantra Shastra (the book of incantations), Upasana Shastra (the book of worship and prayers) and the Nritya Shastra (the book of classical dances). The following verse from Srimad Bhagwad Gita mentions that Lord Krishna was in the posture of Gyan Mudra when he bestowed the knowledge of Gita to Arjuna.

Prapannapaarijaataaya totravetre paanaye, 

gyaan mudraaya Krishnaaya geetaamritaa duhe namah

In Jainism, Swami Mahavir Jain and in Sikkhism, Guru Nanak Devji are always shown in Gyan or Dhyan Mudra.

In the Occident, cheironomy is the science of hand gestures (mudras). In Christian art Jesus, John the Baptist and Virgin Mary are shown in various Mudras. Reference may be had from the book “The sign Language of the Mysteries” by J.S.M.Ward. Even today, the sign used by the priests of Catholic Churches while blessing the devotees, is what is shown elsewhere in this article as “Mahagyan Mudra”

Egyptian hieroglyphics are a virtual treasure house of mudras. The postures of their kings and queens even as mummies show them holding mudras.

The Babylonian sun God Damuzi depicts Mudras while descending into the underworld.

In Islam, the mystical Whirling Dervishes used Hand signs or Mudras for various rites and rituals.

Roman art is replete with mudras…………………………………………………….Har-Har Mahadev

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